Sunday, July 14, 2013

my dark room

It gets lonely here, and thats the time you start thinking was it this that you wanted.was it this that you exchanged your past life for, is it worth being alone, silent in a dark room,no one to even acknowledge your look back at the people you love and you see them missing you too. But then they slowly get over that feeling because they arent alone,they are still there in the comfort of their homes,  comfort of where they belong. Sometimes I feel they dont miss me anymore or moreso they have got use to being away from and why not people move on, thats a way of life, nothing remains constant, but should I move on too??  should I let go of my previous attachments nd by letting go I mean not being too sentimental about them and treat them as they are the sole reason of my being should I start a new life here,  should I be happy about my dark room that was once wad I wanted, or should I continue belonging where I was, should I miss home each day or should I just try to get into the flow.... Lot of practical answers lot of emotional answers and lots still unanswered...


Unknown said...

Its very easy for you to assume that you are not being missed.I understand you are alone but thats how it is going to be.You have to learn to be alone and it is your choice to see the dark room as a dark end or a new beginning.
Your love
Your Sister.

Unknown said...

nice blog...awesome comment
keep writing !