Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Decision Tree

well this blog is not about anything related to decision tree algorithm no its not even remotely related .

She made a decision when she was young and restless.Many things unanswered many issues unsolved .She wasnt even clear why she took that one step and why she trusted the same person who told her that if you trust someone and that sumone breaks your trust its your fault in the first place to trust him/her.Well she went through it all and while she thought that her decision was right that following her intuition was leading her to something beautiful she forgot to see the truth.He blinded her and no he didnt take advantage nor did he misuse her for that matter he didnt do nything even close to that.All he did was teach her a lesson.

Decisions i feel are made complex by the very own simplicity of choosing.I would rather chose than decide though they almost are equivalent yet the word Decision makes me feel responsible makes me feel that the outcome would be solely aimed at either destroying me or in my favour.

"And somehow she felt like she was helpless of her own doings like the world had indeed "decided" not to give her the one thing she knew deep down belonged to her.Would she live on or would dat one wrong decision kill her being and change her existence.Immortal she thought she was yet he killed her.Her decision was against her and all dis while she was in a bliss, her heart knew that this was right and this was it.but it wasnt and late she knew it wud change her may be forever."

life is indeed like a decision tree based on the decisions u make , it gets classified , sometimes sorted sometimes even more complex all based upon the "splitting attribute", the order in which they are chosen.and once u make a decision at one level of life theres no way of returning to that level again to change wad is already done .U decide and its done U are indeed classified now its always a sucess or a failure nothing in between.

But life isnt so cruel, though my decision tree had many levels of a failed output and i thought that i chose the wrong path and that nuthing would make it right, the beauty of the tree unfolded all of us do reach success may be sum reach it early others late but all reach there ultimately and sumtyms its ur wrong decisions that you once thought they were turn out to be the exact reason of ur sucess.

"And wen she thought it was over did it actually began.May be her decision wasnt wrong after all May be thats wad destiny had planned out for her.May be she deserved a Life much better than him. May be her fate had been written she was supposed to be immortal always and just the rain immortalised her.Her destiny was the rain and she did reach it."

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant. ~Anthony Robbins

The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live. ~Flora Whittemore

The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn. ~David Russell

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