Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Parallel universes

The choices u dint make exist in parallel universes. All alternatives coexisting what a happy picture.
But when its all just a pretentious game to you. Do you care? 
And why should you.

What was left

It was quiet now 
the noise that was there in her head
she lay there staring at the shadow
the world she had created
lying crashed in front of her
There was nothing that could be done
no amount of love could bring those pieces together 
she remembered the happier times 
times when she was alive
she looked around to see what was left

Soulful passion

She lay there on his lap, his fingers running through her hair, and his eyes on her every thought, he saw through her and she let him continue, it wasnt the first time she felt naked when with him. For just some moments that room was their own world, that space was devoid of every single thing except their presence, their breath, their dreams of being together. He bent forward and brushed of a strand of hair from her face, and he started singing a song. She lay there not understanding a word of that foreign language but knowing that he sang to her and for her. It was like water flowing from a tap and filling an empty pot. His song felt her empty soul as she lay there accepting evrything he had to give and he sang into her soul realising that this was the   Intimacy his heart had longed for. The union of his song and her soul.

Frozen Frames

There lies a picture someplace in my mind,
So vivid, so alive that i touch it and i can feel the emotions it held,
Of times when we heard each others silence,
and felt each others voice.
Weren’t we always like this?
Messy,complicated,clear all at once.
living the free life. your life, and mine,
We stood at the stop, and I read you poems i had scribbled in between lectures,
You stood there watching peaceful and content.
I wish i could capture the emotions in frames as well.
and freeze them till we knew that we don’t need them anymore,
and then we could together crash those frozen frames, bursting into small rays of emotions that each held.
And we could breathe those emotions and live them again. Till we have no more frozen frames. But just the whirlwind of emotions that we lived through.

Just one step away

Every night i decided 
I wont cry tonight
I wont choke up on my own tears
Wont cry myself to sleep not tonight atleast
Every night i decided i wont have those pills again
I wont think about it whats gone is gone
I will just say a little prayer and send him some light
I wont gulp down that sweet syrup that helps me forget it
Every night i stay awake checking if the phone rang
Shuddering that it may ring when i am asleep 
I just delay my nights
But not tonight, tonight is different, tonight there is hope,
Night peaceful eternal night is just one step away

3 am stories

Intuitively you slowly re-affirmed that all the promises were long gone, that wad remained now was just a body clinging to a life support chord, and with tears in your eyes you rocked yourself to sleep waiting for the pain to subside enough to get you to breathe.

Of uncaptured memories

Slowly everything will fade away, the times we have been together will be a faint memory somewhere in the back of my mind. I will stop expecting, will stop waiting. But eventually you will take yourself away and years later i will try remembering your face , i will draw a sketch of your eyes in my mind , i will try hard to remember every inch of your face but i will fail. I will search for a dated photograph and remember that people never really capture times.