Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Frozen Frames

There lies a picture someplace in my mind,
So vivid, so alive that i touch it and i can feel the emotions it held,
Of times when we heard each others silence,
and felt each others voice.
Weren’t we always like this?
Messy,complicated,clear all at once.
living the free life. your life, and mine,
We stood at the stop, and I read you poems i had scribbled in between lectures,
You stood there watching peaceful and content.
I wish i could capture the emotions in frames as well.
and freeze them till we knew that we don’t need them anymore,
and then we could together crash those frozen frames, bursting into small rays of emotions that each held.
And we could breathe those emotions and live them again. Till we have no more frozen frames. But just the whirlwind of emotions that we lived through.

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