Tuesday, June 12, 2012

the way I are

i love the early morning rays of light illuminating the dusty roads and yet i love the darkness that night brings with it, i love the smell of earth bathed in the first showers, i love the rain even if its just watching it, i love the feel of the raindrops piercing my skin and washing away with it every kind of sadness, i love the seas and the oceans the existence of vastness, of a hope that never ends, i love the idea of immortality though i think it would be a pain if people were immortal, i love the waves rising and falling, love the way the sand feels beneath your feet, as if its pulling you, calling you to go somewhere with it, i love watching the moon and the stars imagining the possibilities that could be, i love the sound of wind chimes, i love music its something that cheers me up no matter what has happened, i love to keep my earphones plugged in 24/7, i love the sound of guitar strings just being strummed randomnly, like watching the vibrations they make, i get attracted easily to the hands that play a musical instrument strangely drawn to anything related to music, love classical music sometimes and love rock too...love singing along even though i cannot sing, love the sight of beautiful eyes, love watching my sister sleep with all her calmness and innocence, love watching little kids play, love getting to know people, love reading novels and creating my own bubble around when am reading theres no joy that nything else can give me as compared to reading and music, love the smell of new books, love crosswords and odyssey could stay there for a lifetime, curious about the unknown and myths and astrology, strong believer yet dont let it affect my decisions, love independence and space, attracted to anyone who is quiet and mysterious, love having an ego not in the negative sense, love being myself, not too good at making friends,believe that theres nothing called friendship, its just a term coined by humans to make themselves feel better, believe in soulmates, believe that strange attraction to some complete stranger for unknown reasons, love coffee, love the smell of tea powder, love kohl rimmed eyes, love the way life plays, love the way things unfold, love the way i make mistakes and learn from them, love the idea of moving on yet not so good at it, love being in love, love being alone, love going for long lonely walks, love sunrise and sunset, love before sunrise and before sunset, love talking for hours on the phone, love writing sometimes, love the idea of unusual love, love howard roark,love dominique francon.

love myself, my name and my existence.

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