Monday, June 28, 2010

Random ...

WEll the last time i wrote or thought about writing ,i feel i had a different mindset of everything, including me.and for long i havent felt like writing about anything, its weird though how something i loved doing had managed to stay away from me.Well this is nothing specific its just about random things that keep happening.
As life has taken turns all the way i keep forgetting where i started from and where i ended , and i dont regret any of the things that happened including the things i did wrong.
i realsed in all this shit that life gives us the only thing that makes us or breaks us is me no friend no family can no matter how hard they try can ever understand what you are going through, i have been through rough patches, locked myself in my room and blasted the stereo for god knows how long, i have cried for hours, sometimes for myself sometimes on why i let someone hurt me, and sometimes just for some close people who are in the same hell as i am...
.all of this has made me strong, atleast enough to face what life has and smile through it all.sometimes i feel glad there is a hell....else how would you know the pleasures of heaven..

If sometimes you feel things are getting painful around you then sometimes rather than breaking free from it its better to face it atleast you will be free from the run away guilt i am glad i did!!!

note:: this is to the last two years and all the people who made it hell and heaven thank you!!!

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